Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Character animation class: At long last!!!

I've been waiting patiently for 3 years for this class, and it’s more beautiful than I ever imagined! Brainstorming for a story begins. (a story that I’ll literally have a minute to tell)

I want to base my story off of the gaming community/culture and videogames as a whole.  I have a vague idea of the base plot and want it to look like something out of a game.  Something along the lines of a hero rising up and fighting the final boss for whatever magical thingy he quests for/wants.

In my imagination (… :D …) I imagine the hero being a stereotyped parody of a ninja/super soldier/Scotsman or lumberjack . (For the sake of aesthetic comedy… it’s also subject to change)  The villain I imagine as some kind of evil, mustache-twirling, caped dude. (The name “Doctor Baron Von Evil-Satan” is stuck in my head thanks to red vs. blue.)

But these are just my base ideas, I’ll have to look into what makes videogames tick as a whole in terms of plot first before anything is solidified. (I’m a gamer, this won’t be hard.)

So, knowing me, I’ll probably jump the gun and start storyboarding my vaguest of ideas into a foundation for the real brainstorming sometime this evening and/or tomorrow.  In the meantime I’ll await my newly ordered textbook (which should help with crafting stories for visual storytelling) to arrive tomorrow and wait for an email I think my character animation instructor told me she would be sending with our first assignment. (Aside from making a blog.)

... :D

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