Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Assignment 01

Here is the first assignment.

Miss Katherine Von Fluffyhead was once a part of the horde… of cats! Horded by some little old lady, Katherine now having escaped her prison hordes assortments of plastic toys which she keeps close at all times and fearing for their safety and nutritional well-being. (The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.) She is known to fear aliens and often sit on park benches feeding fake plastic flamingos while wearing a tin foil hat.

An uncomfortable situation:
If Katherine Von Fluffyhead were to accidentally find herself in a toy store she would probably freak out at all the voices she hears of the little toy’s cried for help.  The thought of small children getting to them and teething on their little heads would upset her to the point of tears.

This particularly salty pirate sails under a flag of candy wrappers.  She undergoes a strange ritual with her stolen swag of sugary treats by melting down all the chocolate into a beverage which she consumes upon a good day’s plunder at the candy store. (She would tell you she stole the candy from the shop with cutlass held high and her smelting cup ready for its loot. But she actually stole the money from her mom’s purse and just bought it.) Yes this pirate yearns for adventure on the high seas, but she makes due with the highways and candy stores.

An uncomfortable situation:
Somehow mistakenly finding her way into the local health-food grocery store, she goes to the checkout lines to purchase… I mean, plunder the sweets but finds nothing but sugar-free gum.  Embarrassed at this horrific mistake, she hastily exits the store and loses her pirate hat on the way out.

By day, he hides beneath a mild mannered beret, but by night he becomes: Ink-face! (I ran out of names…) a beacon of light in the crime-filled world of illegal underground tattoo shops.  Along with his side-kick: Regular Guy, he brings evil tattoo artists who re-use needles without cleansing them, and who sketch the Chinese symbol for bacon into the flesh of teens who don’t realize what it actually means, to justice!

An uncomfortable situation:
Ink-face unexpectedly lured into a tattoo removal shop by his fiendish arch-nemesis.  Ink-face panics and clumsily tries to escape through a window but hits the wall next to it.

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