Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Assignment 02

Rango from Rango – I like Rango as a character because he is trying to find where he fits in an unfamiliar place.  He largely discovers who he is but this is based on his good nature to begin with.  Eventually, he becomes the hero and does what is right after he misleads people into thinking he is someone he wasn’t, but eventually becoming genuine.

When I first saw the character, he was quirky and unsure of himself.  I like characters who are forced to become someone of importance or who need to step up and do what’s right, even if they aren’t defined or are bad to begin with.

Wikus Van De Merwe from District 9 – Wikus is another character who eventually becomes someone who steps up to do the right thing.  He starts off abiding by corporate rules and procedure which he has always known to be good.  After he starts to turn into one of the aliens he policed and evicted, he begins to learn of their struggle under the big, power hungry corporations.  Although most of his journey is for his own benefit, he ultimately does what is right over his own needs to become normal again.

At first I thought of him as a typical corporate worker. Just in it for him, possibly money, but with a hint of good, to help him and his wife.  But he also shows a kind of disregard for the alien’s lives. By the end of District 9 I was ok with him, rooting for him and then hoping his action will one day pay off so he can return to normalcy.

Scott Pilgrim from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – Scott is semi-good from the get go. A kid struggling to keep a relationship but ends up letting situations get the better of him, by the end of his movie, he steps up and makes amends, and sets everything straight.  His actions weren’t for any greater good or cause bigger than himself, but he just wants to make everything in his own life right again.

When I first saw the character I thought he was kind of a nice guy but mostly in it for himself, kind of full of himself.  But by the end of his adventure, he’s an ok guy that I imagine a lot of people can relate to.

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